Kenai Fly Fish: 2024 Fishing Forecast

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As we look ahead to the 2024 fishing season on the Kenai Peninsula, Kenai Fly Fish (KFF) is excited to share our comprehensive forecast, meticulously prepared to guide both novice and seasoned anglers planning their Alaskan fishing adventures. From the icy grip of early spring to the golden hues of late autumn, each season on the Kenai Peninsula offers unique and exhilarating fishing opportunities. Let’s journey through the year, month by month, highlighting the best of what 2024 has to offer to our valued guests at KFF.

Spring Awakening: April & May

April: The melting snows of April rejuvenate the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers, marking the start of the season for Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden. With waters clearing and levels rising, anglers can enjoy the thrill of early-season catch-and-release fishing, targeting these hungry post-winter fish eager for a meal.

May: As the landscape bursts into the vibrant life of spring, May welcomes the first runs of King Salmon (Chinook) and heralds the beginning of the Sockeye (Red) Salmon season. The excitement in the air is palpable as anglers gear up for the chance to land these iconic Alaskan salmon.

Summer’s Bounty: June, July & August

June: The month of June is all about diversity, with peak runs of King Salmon, early Sockeye, and the introduction of the feisty Silver Salmon (Coho) towards the month’s end. The Kenai River offers some of the best salmon fishing in the world during this period, with KFF guides expertly navigating the waters to ensure unforgettable experiences.

July: July is the zenith of the fishing calendar on the Kenai Peninsula, featuring the peak of the Sockeye run and the best of the King Salmon fishing. The rivers are alive with anglers and fish alike, creating a vibrant atmosphere of camaraderie and competition.

August: As the days begin to hint at the approaching fall, August remains hot with the peak of the Silver Salmon run, offering explosive action for those targeting these acrobatic fighters. Pink Salmon (Humpy), abundant in even-numbered years, add to the month’s excitement, providing plenty of action for all.

Autumn’s Harvest: September & October

September: The focus shifts back to Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden as they feed aggressively on the remnants of the salmon runs, offering anglers the chance at trophy-sized catches. The cooling waters and changing leaves set a stunning backdrop for some of the most serene and productive fishing of the year.

October: The curtain begins to close on the fishing season with the last of the Silver Salmon making their way upriver and the resident species fattening up before winter. October offers a peaceful retreat for anglers looking to savor the last casts of the year amidst the breathtaking fall scenery of the Kenai Peninsula.

Winter’s Quietude: November & December

While the main fishing season winds down, late-season opportunities for Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden can be found, particularly for the hardy soul willing to brave the colder conditions. These months are a time for reflection on the season past and preparation for the year ahead.

Kenai Fly Fish: Your 2024 Adventure Awaits

At Kenai Fly Fish, we are committed to providing our guests with an unparalleled Alaskan fishing experience. Our expert guides, top-of-the-line gear, and local knowledge ensure that your 2024 fishing adventure will be memorable, whether you’re casting for the first time or are a seasoned angler looking to tick off a bucket-list catch. We invite you to join us on the majestic Kenai Peninsula for a year of incredible fishing, breathtaking landscapes, and the warm hospitality that KFF is known for. Book your 2024 adventure today and immerse yourself in the best fishing Alaska has to offer.


Kenai River Fish Species

Rainbow Trout

Kenai River rainbows can be well over 30 inches and up to 20lbs!

Dolly Varden Char

Dollies range of all sizes and can reach up to about 12 lbs.


Steelhead are very uniform in shape and average around 28 inches. These amazing, acrobatic fish are often a fly fisherman’s favorite to target.

King Salmon

The Kenai River is open to motorized boats, allowing us chase the bite, and stay on the fish!

Sockeye Salmon

Sockeye salmon (also called red salmon) are the most popular salmon to catch on the Kenai Peninsula.

Coho Salmon

Ranging anywhere from 5-20lbs, coho are acrobatic and are probably the most aggressive salmon out there.

Pink Salmon

Pinks are completely underrated, they are extremely aggressive to catch and come in by the millions!


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