Kasilof River Sockeye Salmon Limits Increased for 2024

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Sockeye Salmon fishing on the Kenai River

Advisory Announcement
(Released: June 25, 2024 – Expires: December 31, 2024)
Contact: Phill Stacey, Area Management Biologist, (907) 260-2920

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has announced an exciting update for anglers on the Kasilof River. To provide additional harvest opportunities for sockeye salmon, the bag and possession limits have been increased. This adjustment aims to allow anglers to take full advantage of the bountiful sockeye salmon run this season.

New Bag and Possession Limits

Effective from 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, June 26 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2024, the updated limits are as follows:

  • Sockeye Salmon: Anglers are now allowed to keep SIX SOCKEYE salmon per day, with a possession limit of twelve fish.
  • Coho Salmon: No more than two salmon per day and two in possession may be coho salmon.

These limits apply to all portions of the Kasilof River open to salmon fishing.

Biological Escapement Goals

The biological escapement goal for the Kasilof River is set between 140,000 and 320,000 sockeye salmon. As of June 24, 2024, a total of 99,348 sockeye salmon have already passed the Kasilof River sonar site. The current rate of sockeye salmon escapement is projected to exceed the biological escapement goal, indicating a robust run this season.

Phill Stacey, Area Management Biologist, emphasized the importance of these new limits:

“Increasing the bag and possession limits for sockeye salmon allows anglers an opportunity to harvest additional sockeye salmon on what is shaping up to be a strong run.”

Expanded Dipnetting Area

In addition to the increased bag and possession limits, ADF&G has issued emergency order 2-RS-1-26-24, expanding the area open to dipnetting on the Kasilof River. This change is effective from 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, June 26 through 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Plan Your Fishing Trip with Kenai Fly Fish

For those looking to take full advantage of these new opportunities, Kenai Fly Fish offers a variety of guided fishing trips on the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers. Whether you are targeting sockeye salmon, coho salmon, or enjoying a relaxing day of trout fishing, our experienced guides will ensure an unforgettable adventure.

Fishing Adventure Options:

  • Trout Fishing: Gear up for Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden on the Kenai River. We practice catch and release to preserve these species. Departing from Bings Landing, we offer 50 miles of pristine fishing waters. All necessary gear is provided, though you’re welcome to bring your own.
  • Salmon Fishing: Experience the thrill of sockeye and coho salmon fishing. Our guides will keep you updated on the latest regulations to ensure a seamless experience. Your adventure will be tailored to the salmon run locations, with all fishing gear supplied.
  • Ocean Fishing: Target species include Halibut, Rockfish, and Lingcod. All gear and equipment are provided for a successful and enjoyable trip.

Important Trip Information:

  • Arrival: Please arrive early at the designated boat ramp; look for Ian McDonald with the boat ready in the water.
  • Provisions: Don’t forget to pack lunch, snacks, and plenty of water. Upon request, we can prepare breakfast burritos and cold sandwiches.
  • Licensing: Ensure you have the appropriate fishing license for your group. Alaska residents under 18 and non-residents under 16 are exempt. Remember to fill out a Sport Fishing Harvest Record Card if required.

Book Now for Prime July 2024 Fishing

July is the prime month for fishing on the Kenai River. Don’t miss out on the best fishing spots available. Book your adventure now to secure your place and make the most of the expanded dipnetting areas and increased limits.

Links for More Information:


Kenai River Fish Species

Rainbow Trout

Kenai River rainbows can be well over 30 inches and up to 20lbs!

Dolly Varden Char

Dollies range of all sizes and can reach up to about 12 lbs.


Steelhead are very uniform in shape and average around 28 inches. These amazing, acrobatic fish are often a fly fisherman’s favorite to target.

King Salmon

The Kenai River is open to motorized boats, allowing us chase the bite, and stay on the fish!

Sockeye Salmon

Sockeye salmon (also called red salmon) are the most popular salmon to catch on the Kenai Peninsula.

Coho Salmon

Ranging anywhere from 5-20lbs, coho are acrobatic and are probably the most aggressive salmon out there.

Pink Salmon

Pinks are completely underrated, they are extremely aggressive to catch and come in by the millions!


Guided ocean fishing on the world-famous Kenai Peninsula